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Sunday, 21 September 2014

Day 9 - Monday 22 September - Rituals

Each of the next three days will be dedicated to one of the three themes of Daily - rituals, routines and revelations.

Monday is rituals.

Topham Mall will be presenting

- The ritual of putting on a tie - 7am to 10am
- The ritual of walking Rundle Mall - 10am to 1pm
- The ritual of scrolling a phone - 1m to 4pm
- The ritual of waving - 4pm to 7pm

Hindmarsh Square will be presenting

- The ritual of saying good morning - 7am to 10am
- The ritual of finding a car park - 10am to 1pm
- The ritual of sharing lunch at a food court - 1pm to 4pm
- The ritual of crossing - 4pm to 7pm

North Terrace will be presenting 

- The ritual of waving - 7am to 10am
- The ritual of scrolling a phone - 10am to 1pm
- The ritual of crossing - 1pm to 4pm
- The ritual of walking Rundle Mall - 4pm to 7pm

More than for any other piece of the weekday uniform, putting on a tie is a ritual of the transition from home to work life.  With an open neck shirt, you can be anyone, anywhere, anytime. Put on a tie and bingo, your at work. 

Most people would think crossing a road to be nothing more than a routine. Though that last road you cross before reaching the office is the barrier between your workday world and the other. In the realisation of this, some dawdle across, whilst others scurry. 

Parading along your city's main mall is another great ritual. Passing icons of beauty and commerce, you may be on a quest for a bargain, to fulfil a want or simply to observe the sights and sounds of people milling in all directions. 

And deep in the heart of the city mall lies the food court. The place where we flock to talk, eat and dispose of our used packaging. The video of the food court is taken looking down on a basement level. It is full of colour from the bright retail lights, with ghost like people moving to, from and around the tables. 

Arguably the main ritual of people's daily life is the endless scrolling of the 3 or 4g-enabled phone. Scrolling up and down across emails, web pages, Facebook pages (mainly Facebook pages) and the like. Always on a quest to find something, whether one needs it or not.  

To balance, the cyber-scroll, I finished the day in Topham Mall today with a friendly human wave. Well, as human as a 48x28 pixel six colour roadsign can be. A simple gesture like a wave is a ritual we follow, often without knowing it. 

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