With morning grey clouds, I greeted the Topham Mall commuters with an animation of rain clouds clearing to a rainbow. Thankfully the clouds did occasionally part to charge up the road sign batteries.
A bit of a face theme through the day, with a video of faces morphing out of QR codes - am I the only person who tries to find meaning in QR code's seemingly random collection of black and white squares - followed by a cute little animation of two eyes and a mouth bouncing around in search of a face. Our brains are so hard wired to recognise faces that faces leap out whenever the two eyes line up.
Afternoon commuters were treated to "mind the gap", a collection of phrases that alter, ever so slightly train announcements. "Please mind the gap when alighting from the strain". You get the idea. A worker having an afternoon puff mentioned that she enjoyed these wordy messages. And there were many bemused faces strolling down towards Currie Street.
At the more laid-back Hindmarsh Square, on show in the morning was a white collar worker repeating endlessly the ritual of putting on a tie. Have you ever had one of those days when you can't get your tie to the right length.
At lunchtime was the first showing of the longest video of the Daily collection, a 6 minute 38 second opus on a day in the life of an office worker. Rituals, routines and revelations in each ans every 194 frames.
Late in the afternoon some uni students were having some fun with "meaning", a wordy animation exploring different ways we search for truth and meaning. They were kind enough to pose for a photo.
At North Terrace the creates with limbs all over the place were on display in the morning. Later came messages exploring what time it is ... "The time is now". Following this was the animation of a helicopter view of a busy pedestrian crossing. I caught a snap of some students videoing this. Finished the day with the quirky collection of computer error messages.
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