Before that, though, I got suitably drenched on my lunchtime cycle around the three Daily sites today. In response, I showed the rain animation on all three signs during the early afternoon.
Come early evening the damp on the pavers of Topham Mall created some quite evocative scenes...
Now here's the Q&A. Thanks very much to the anonymous survey respondent.
Q: Briefly describe what you saw, even if it was just a blur of pixels.
A: Error messages and top down view of an intersection.
Q: What did you think of what you saw?
A: I think it's great to have things that people can enjoy when they stop and take notice of it.
Also I'm fond of the low resolution, it's similar to pixel art.
Q: What else would you like to see on a solar powered sign?
A: Pixel art!
More word play or things that seem normal but aren't quite.
Q: What other location would be good for solar powered road art?
A: Intersections where pedestrians have to wait for a long traffic light.
Also good choice on Topham Mall, many people walk past there after work.
Q: Tell me about your daily rituals.
A: Walk around the city after uni for an hour or two (I found your three signs this way!)
Q: Tell me about your daily routines.
Bus ride to uni.
Lectures on campus.
Bus ride back home.
Repeat until weekend.
Q: Tell me about your daily revelation.
A: Not sure, though my daily walks are typically when I do have revelations.
If you have a few moments I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences of Daily
And to finish, here's a few snaps from today...
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